Tuesday 27 March 2012

New Orleans & Galveston Texas

Tonight we are at a very nice campground in Kemah Texas.  That is between Houston and Galveston.  We went to Galveston and had lunch at the beach and drove around part of the island.  Tonight the campground hosted a pot luck dinner.  They supplied chicken strips with country gravy and catfish strips plus some other stuff, campers supplied salad and deserts.  It was a great meal.  Tomorrow we move south, not sure how far we'll make it.
We stopped in New Orleans for a day and visited the French Quarter Sunday.  Walked around and had lunch in an outside cafe.  It was very busy because it was the first nice day they had since all the bad storms they had last week.  Patches was having a ball with all the people and the smells from the outside cafes.  A lot of people stopped to talk and pet him.  The campground wasn't very nice but we only slept there 2 nights.

I'll try to post some photos in the next day or so.